Emerging from the fog of the pandemic, two important challenges face us. First and foremost, involves the usual day to day necessary operations, normalizing the celebration of the Mass and Sacraments, regularizing Sacramental and CCD preparation, etc. Likewise, fellowship and fundraising events must be reinstituted, laying the groundwork of charity for others and restoring financial stability.
Click on the link below to read Fr. Jim's letter on re-opening the parish after the pandemic.
Dearest Parishioners:
It has come to my attention that individuals - young and old - may have special needs of which I am not aware. If you have concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at 412-977-6589.
God Bless,
Father Jim
September 9, 2020
Over the past several weeks various electronic devices have been "dropped-off" at OLL Bairdford Road, mainly televisions. They have been dropped-off at the entrance to the Church and in the garbage dumpster. It costs the parish money to dispose of these televisions. As such, if you are caught, either in person or on security camera, all matters will be turned into law enforcement asking that you WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. If you see anyone engaging in this illegal activity, please contact 911 immediately.
Fr. Jim
November 15, 2020
Dear Parishioners of Our Lady of the Lakes:
The good news is that despite the pandemic shutdown and the partial loss of revenue from the Community Fish Fry, and loss of revenue from the weekly bingo plus other fundraising events each parish made money. Transfiguration made $65,543. Saint Victor made $77,403. This is money we put away for “a rainy day.”
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic is the “rainy day, impacting our day-to-day operations, Sunday Masses and our income. I am not a financial expert and take a simple approach to parish finances, the way I handle my household fi- nances when I lived on my own. Here’s my point of view:
Please keep in mind our ordinary fundraising such as weekly bingo (~$2000/week), Community Fish Fry (~$40,000 for this past Lent) and others have dried up for now.
Thus, both Transfiguration Parish and Saint Victor Parish had robust finances going into the merger of Our Lady of the Lakes. Thank you to parishioners of both parishes!!! However, this does not absolve us from ensuring that our parish family household will remain healthy.
Again, I understand the difficulties many families face during this COVID-19 pandemic but please remember we, as a parish, face similar challenges.
Again many THANKS for your generosity toward the parish; please know that the Finance Council, Sr. Michael Mack and I will ensure that your money is well spent.
God bless, Fr. Jim